Nintendo Revolution...Controller??

Can this really be called a controller?!?! Now that's just odd...

I don't know you guys, playing a game with a remote control is really weirding me out...

Then again, I could see it growing on me...already, my weirdness is growing into axiety and anticipation...and, well, you can always count on 3rd party support for a more classic controller...not to mention the "rumor" that you could plug in your old controllers in the slot! Wooo, perfect-SNES-controller, I go!
Anyways, I was just surfing the net, and when I stumbled upon this contraption, it was a shock beyond belief...just had to blog about it...
So, what're your impressions about the Revolution's revolutionary "controller"??
Until next time, I guess...
Looks like a sex toy. Or maybe they'll just be coming out with third party attachment that will be one.
Oooooh, Rumblepack.
Well... that's it for Nintendo.
LOL! mark. I personally dislike the idea about the controller, but I guess I am just old fashioned when it comes to gaming consoles (and their respective extensions).
I never do this but why not.
word of the day: "hmhotamy".
Nate: well, the nickname nintendo gave it was the nunchaku, as in nunchucks...
The Rest: Did you guys watch the video yet? I mean, there's freakin' motion detectors on it, meaning you could swing the controller around like a sword, and it'll happen onscreen! Now that's pretty sweet...
It's weird really... I thought it looked like a sex toy as well.
I was oging to say, "Looks like one of gautam's dirty playthings."
good one, Reuben; Lame ass.
Your ass would be the lame one after you've played with your dirty play things...
NO wonder you love anal sex so much.
Hey, I am as big of a fan as anyone else is about said sex but your reasoning is flawed. Stophit rohbit. Naasssty.
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