Monday, November 01, 2004

Ticked off, but oh well...

Today was not a good day...

First of all, I wasted half of the day by sleeping in way too long...consequences of staying up 'til 6 the night before, I guess...Then there was the whole student loan argument I had with my mom, along with the fact that I had to drive her to Home Depot and Save-On for a good portion of the day...this, along with having to pick up my sister from school, negated my previous plans of going to watermania and working, realizing that most of my day has pretty much been wasted, I thought I might as well get to school and see if I could study a bit (or at least socialize and feel a little better).

Well, once I got to school, I wasn't able to study at all, but I did end up going with everyone to the mall...I had the pleasure of watching everyone else eat while I just sat around with the knowledge that I'd eat in a few hours least I had fun talking to everyone, I guess...After the fooding, we all went to Future Shop...such a waste of my time...just wandered around for a few hours while people got their swag...and as a bonus, I got to hear an earful of infighting among the crew...what a downer...and that's not even the worst part!

I lost my frickin umbrella at Future Shop!!! Pissed me off, because I knew I'd lose it by the end of the day...I was just walking back with everyone when I realized that I wasn't holding was already close to 7, so I decided to just say goodbye to everyone, head back, and try to look for it...oh yes, and I was also to look for Shar's toque that she had lost as what ended up happening, you ask? I COULDN'T FIND MY FRICKIN UMBRELLA, BUT I FOUND SHAR'S FRICKIN TOQUE!!! Do you have any idea how annoying that is?! But the worst thing about all this is that I found the toque in less than a minute, just lying on the floor, while I spent nearly half an hour looking for my umbrella and ended up with squat! SQUAT!!!

And of course, after I had lost my umbrella, the rain turned into a frickin monsoon! That just pissed me off even more! Not only that, I had the pleasure of driving into east vancouver in the pouring rain...the darkness just depressed me even more...not to mention the fact that absolutely no good songs were being played on the radio! I had to find a way to amuse myself...har de har har...but this mostly meant singing / talking to myself, which made me even more miserable...

Anyways, once I got to Joey's place, my mood started to pick up...all the little kids were there, and they always seem to brighten up my mood. Once the guys and I were ready, we practiced our songs. We sounded pretty good, except I wasn't able to hold the notes long enough tonight, which ticked me off a little...

Also, they talked about the situation they had yesterday at the filipino church's gymnight at deer lake school. Apparently, a bunch of drunk guys decided that it'd be funny to start shooting bottle rockets at kids, so someone confronted them about it. Long story short, he pissed off the 20+ drunk guys and they all wanted to have a fight with the 20+ gymnight guys...had to call the cops and everything...

It's funny how much of a downer it is to hear that your church's music director almost got into a rumble on halloween...but hey, at least it was his birthday tonight, lol...Happy Birthday Joey!.....heh.

So after all this talk, we ate some good food, practiced a bit more, played a bit of video games, and generally had a good time I guess...however, after going outside in the monsoon-like rain to get to my car, my mood went down once least this ride home was less eventful than last week's...

So when I got home, I was expecting that I'd be able to quickly finish up my homework, have a shower, then go to bed...WRONG! My sisters were occupying both the bathroom and the computer...wasted a few hours watching t.v. because of this, just to top off my horrible day. Of course, instead of doing homework, I start typing away on my know, just to diffuse some of my frustration...hopefully now I won't do something stupid tomorrow like throw chairs across the hall or kick somebody in the throat..........don't ask.

I swear, the horrible weather had something to do with my mood today...there's scientific proof that this could be true, but why the hell would I want to bore everyone, including myself, with the details...

Oh yes. Funny thing happened last night...Halloween! Completely forgot to write about that yesterday...probably because I felt so happy while making my last post. Well, to get right down to it, I really don't like Halloween; I never have, and I doubt that I ever will...don't really wanna get into it right now though, I've probably depressed everyone enough as it is...

Aw, crap...this post turned out to be way longer than I wanted...and it's already 2:30 in the morning...I'm just gonna stop right here...stupid always rambling when I'm half asleep...this sucks...

Until the next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.


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