Saturday, July 01, 2006

Random Annoyances

Here's some random annoyances that ticked me off yesterday:

- My purchased-32-days-ago mp3 player has a "firmware issue". Stupid friggin' everything! Although, I don't remember if the salesgirl said I had 30 or 60 days to purchase the warranty, so perhaps I'm able to fix/replace it with minimal hassle...?

- Learned that buying a barebones laptop means that I have to put everything together myself. I thought it was a mix and match made-to-order type dealio! That just sucks! I don't wanna mess around w/ a laptop... most likely gonna get myself an asus a8jm instead of the z96j, for all those interested... hopefully I didn't put any typos there, heheh...

- Stupid non-realization that I had to take COMM 370! That completely messes up my schedule! i.e., now I have 10am classes mon-thursday, with only 1 class on monday... that sucks... plus, I'm not gonna be able to switch Taxation into first semester any longer... gah, no point in trying anymore... on top of that, I can't take consumer behaviour anymore either... stupid then again, at least my tues/thurs aren't super horribly long anymore, just rather long...

There are others, but I got bored and stopped typing for like 3 hrs. Actually, that's also kind of annoying, my inability to focus when writing my blog...

Oh, and Happy Canada Day, you guys! How many people were in Steveston this year, over 50k?

Until next time, I guess...


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