Thursday, August 25, 2005

Hodge-Podge (or something like it...)

First off, oh man Heroes mania is soooo awesome...and now there's a freakin' OPEN BETA!!! THAT'S FREAKIN' INCREDIBLE!!! Man, I gotta get in...if not, then someone else that I know who'd be willing to break bend the NDA a little and let me have a copy, heheh...just check out Celestial Heavens, guys...

Anyways, in non-Heroes news, this week has been a little hectic, and yet not...

First off, sunday was quite quite awesome, with going out to eat at Hon's w/ Kris & Rob, then to Netaholics for some Footmen Frenzy (man, Warcraft III's freakin' INCREDIBLE!!! Woo for rpg maps!), then to crazy bubble tea (holy crap, I didn't know that Agar-Agar is Grass Jelly! Dang, that was delicious!!!), then finally a little pool to end off the kickass day...

Then, I ended up staying up super late on the comp again, only getting 2 hours of sleep...and thus, the next day was quite intriguing...

First off, when I woke up after 2 hrs, I felt totally fine. In fact, I strangely didn't feel sleepy at all, which was kinda unnerving...anyways, I got through work pretty fine, wasn't terribly sleepy (save a couple near-droops here and there), and went home. Now, I wasn't expecting to do anything that night, so I went on the comp early, watched some tv, etc etc, expecting to go to sleep at 8 or, around that time I was half drifting off, when I gots me a phone call saying that Jamieson Emily etc are watching a movie at Emily's place. I thought AWESOME, I GETS TA DO SOMETHING TONIGHT! But you see, I thought it was Rob on the phone, since the phoner said he "just got off" and I assumed from work...and the phoner said that he'll pick me up in a bit. So, a bit later, phones again says he's outside. Now, I'm fully expecting Rob to be in his car. However, I see a 240 Nissan instead. Now, I'm thinking "what, Mohsin let Rob drive his car?? No, wait, Mohsin's just driving us, that's cool." However, as I get closer, I realize that Rob is nowhere in site. WHAT THE HECK?!?! I realize then that it was Mohsin who phoned, and asked me to come, and that he'd pick me up. UNNERVING...but cool, nonetheless.

Anyways, went to Emily's, watched Sin City, and oh my goodness that is one kickass movie...just love the whole atmosphere of it. Yeah, it was quite brutal and gory, but since it was in the comic graphic novel style, it seemed kinda reasonable. One of the first movies in quite a while that lived up to the hype of everyone's acclaims. All in all, I'd say that this was an Awesome movie, in accordance to the Sucks/Okay/Awesome scale that I shall now rate movies on (Woooo, my own freakin' ratings scale! It's like those thumb things, but better!).

So, I got home much earlier than anticipated (around midnight), and only stayed up for an hour or so longer, which is quite surpising for me, and yet fairly bad since I only got like 4 hrs of sleep that night.

Tuesday was a was work, home was absolutely boring, with absolutely nothing to do. I believe this carried into the next day, since I woke up at 7:17am. I start work at 7:30.

I hate being late...and I was late today. ended up being okay I guess, as they were merely slightly annoyed instead of angry or whatever, and it's not like I was particularly needed or anything. I don't see why 2 people need to be on the cutters...

Anyways, the day went on, work ended, and I was told that Thursday was a day off, since no fish. WOOOO!!! So I'm going off to Kris' place tomorrow, awesomeness indeed...I'm fully expecting a day full of video game goodness with a splash of anime mania...wooo!!! Plus, I'm back friday, and most assuredly next week (I hope), so it's not like my money prospects are lowered because of it...

So, after work I lazed about at home for a bit, then ended up going to Hapkido for the first time in quite a while. And man, I soooo missed going there! I love actually being active! But man, I was really feeling it there, not stretching or cardio for the past 2/3 least my shoulder/side etc wasn't really hurting today...although, there's still a sharp pain whenever I sneeze

But I digress...back to Hapkido, I must now remember 7 joint locks and 8 one-steps. This was quite nice today, it was exactly what I was wanting to learn...AWESOME!!!

Plus, afterwards me and Reuben gots some Dairy Queen goodness, and we gots ta talking...we ended up talking about music and singing and stuff, and man did it ever make me wanna be in a band again...I sooo wanna sing in front of a band again, if not actually playing an instrument in the band...

Anyways, got home, lazed around even more, ate my Sinagang, finished my blizzard, and watched some more Alienated...

Oh yeah!!! That's what I did Tuesday night!!! I watched Alienated!!! Oh my goodness, that is such an awesome tv show...think of it as a comedy in the same vein as Curb Your Enthusiam and Arrested Development, but instead it's about a family who's been abducted by aliens. IT'S ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!!! Well, as a slight summary a.k.a. a slight ***SPOILER***, the aliens made the dad's sperm glow orange, got the mom pregnant with an alien baby, made grampa sex crazy (but he thinks his family is all crazy about that alien garbage), the son now has a scent that makes women go crazy for him, so he chooses his hot english teacher, and the daughter's gay but the aliens made her go boy crazy and gave a mondo zit to make guys go crazy, but then she comes out and the zit goes away...and oh yeah, GEORGE FREAKIN' TAKAI MADE A CAMEO!!! "Hey, it's George Takai! SULU!!! SULU!!!" Hahaha, nerd mobs are hilarious...

Oh man, and I forgot the best part! Since the aliens ***SPOILER*** made his dad lose his job, he decided to do what he truly wants, which is become a professional musician! Which is awesome, 'cause he's actually a fairly good guitar player! "Alien man...Alien man....AAA-lian maaaaannnn...." LOL!!! I gotta find me this tab/mp3!!!

Phew...yeah, a little Alienated crazy right there...End of spoilers, I swear...

Man, I just realized that I've only started watching season 2...I gotta gets me the whole freakin' show!!! Torrent searching, I go!!!

(Dang, this post really was a mess...maybe I should just go to bed...P-SHAW!!!)

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.


Blogger Gautam said...

Yeah, I signed up for the beta testing as well...that would totally kick ass if we both got in. I know I sound nerdy to those not affiliated with the heroes bit, but damnit, it's gonna kick ass.

2:06 a.m.  
Blogger Rohbit said...

Nerdy involves being smart and geeky.

If you're just geeky, then you're a geek.

Like me
Like justin
Like Mark (self proclaimed king)
Like chui

Just a frickin geek.

11:10 a.m.  
Blogger Jamieson said...

Sin City rocks, eh?

Great movie, even though it was my second time watching it. I could watch that movie over and over again without getting sick of it, I'm sure.

9:47 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, a post about Heroes entitled "Hodge-Podge"... you wouldn't be Hodge Podge from the round table would you? Hi :)


(PS. was just doing a technorati search to see if CH had any links)

6:14 p.m.  

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