Friday, July 01, 2005

Man, This Sucks

Just had a crazy non-scary nightmare, the kind that just makes you feel horrible...

I made a good friend cry, and I had no idea why...

Oh gawd, she cried in the same manner as my ex...crap, that sucks...

Me: "I guess I'm gonna have to sit with you then" [on the schoolbus]
Friend: "I don't think that'll be a good idea" [tearing up]
Me: "You sure? 'Cause Kris wants to sit in the back and there's not much room there and oh man you're crying yeah of course I'll go oh crap I'm sorry for whatever it was I did oh crap oh crap..."

That just, it's making me not wanna go out to the salmon festival, and especially not to see my old band perform...especially if it means risking bumping into my ex...*shudder*

Anyways, happy Canada Day and all that, hopefully I'll feel better in an hour when I phone Kris...just gonna tell him that I'm not going anymore...that sucks, I was actually really looking forward to this, but oh well...perhaps a shower will clear my head or something...

Until next time, I guess...


Blogger Spangie said...

Oh dude man!! Don't let something like that stop you from going out and living your day. I've had those dreams too but you can't let them totally take over!! FIGHT THE POWER!!! FIGHT THE DARK SIDE!!!

sorry ... too much Star Wars and Hayden Christensen.

But you're gonna be happy and stuuff after you go to my Shindig on Friday!! YAAAAAAAY!!!

10:32 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she didn't go to the salmon festival, you didn't have to worry about it

3:26 p.m.  

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