Friday, June 10, 2005

Dream Journal Entry #1

Kinda odd how falling asleep during the basketball game and sleeping 'til 4:45am would make you have such weird dreams...

Well, I believe I kinda woke up around 1ish, looked around, then fell asleep again...this is where the strange yet decently awesome dream occurred...

The first thing I remember is something with driving, and picking someone up in front of a building, which I had to drive through a forest of trees like the road in the sunshine coast...then some walking along a sidewalk near a field of green, or something? My dad was there somewhere...

Then it cut to I think my place, no wait it was my old place, yeah my old old bathroom to be exact...I was having a shower or bath, then my little sister barged in, so I yelled at her to get out, but she left the door open, so I was yelling for someone to close and lock the bathroom door, but nobody was doing it...

Then I think it jumped into this boarding house / camp / hotel room thing, like a cross between strathcona and a motel 6, no wait, the camp hope rooms are a much better description...with me having a roommate...and there I remember seeing this weird face pottery thing on the side of the bed, kinda wide-eyed open-mouthed with a freaky look on its face...I remember it was kinda weird, but my roommate really liked it for some reason...

No, wait, somewhere inbetween the bathroom and the room I remember seeing that freaky face pottery mask thing before, 'cause I was thinking my sister made it, 'cause it was really good yet really freaky...oh well, so we're back in the room...

Then there was that weird thing, that ended the dream with a:

"Ww, ur lkng awfully gd n tht twl"
"Haha, thanks, bt I've gt smthng ndrnth, wll I gss I'm nt wrng ny scvys"
--> Thn dry off, wrps ovr hd / frnt, hldng thngs, ps, hehe...

Then the image freezes and scrolls down, for it has become me looking into a computer screen...that kinda weirded me out, 'cause I realized that "reality" turned into a computer, metaphoricalizations, or something...

The strangeness of the dream was exemplified when I woke up to that freaky-ass pottery face from my dream staring me right in the turned out that the balloon from my birthday floated down near my "bed", and with it being all half-filled with air, it was all crumply and stuff...which oddly looked like a freaky guy staring at me...I'm guessing I saw it when I woke up at 1am, remembered the face, and it inserted itself into my dream...

Freaking weirdass dream...had to get it off my chest, especially since I've got like 2 hours until I have to go to, I should really sleep at 8:30 more often, I love the early mornings when everythings all quiet and missing the bustle of post 9pm is a plus...and if I keep having these freaky-ass dreams, then all the better!

Until next time, I guess...

--> As told through the mind of a lazy perfectionist.


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