"Wake me up at 7:30"
Does nobody understand the frickin' phrase "wake me up at 7:30"??? Now I freakin' missed my hapkido tonight...what a bunch of crap.
Ahh, what the hell!! According to Chui, tonight was actually a really cool one, learning kickass counters and junk! That sucks ass!!! ASS!!! And apparently he did some freakin' kickass demos at the end, showing how to "beat up a cop with a nightstick" etc...freakin' missed the cool one, what a bunch of crap...
But enough ranting, and onto more productive endeavors, such as sleeping and/or showering. Stupid having to wake up at 5 because I have bitch work at 6, having to go down a freakin' hole picking up fish too big and slimy to get sucked by the tube...what a bunch of crap...
Until next time, I guess...
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