Sunday, November 12, 2006


Afro Cuban Allstars, concert at Chan centre, AWESOME.

Ability for using nonsecured wireless internet in apartment, AWESOME. Well, it's slow and doesn't always connect, so somewhat awesome perhaps.

However, no 3-pronged grounded outlets in apartment, SUCKS ROYALLY. I've now only got 20mins left of battery. Stupid 60's tech apartment...

[EDIT - Haha, stupid me, there ARE 3-pronged outlets in the apartment, but they're only in the kitchen! So, being able to recharge battery power, I've basically got everything I need in the apartment! Sweet...

So yeah, Charissa, that means yes a microwave might be a sound christmas present to buy... heheh...]

So much study homework schooling, so little time... well, lots, but really, so little...

OH YEAH! Got futon today, SWEEET.

So to summarize, quite the awesome sunday. Niiiice...

Until ne...

Yeah enough of that sig.


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