Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Failed my midterm. This time for certain...

I basically didn't finish 30% of my test. And, of the part I did finish, I'd be happy to get 60% on... so, basically, the max I can see myself getting is 42%. If I end up with 30-something, I wouldn't be surprised...

I'm so discouraged at the moment... I mean, I guess I can be positive knowing that it's only 25% of my mark (and thus, I still have a chance of getting a B-ish mark), but, still... failure...

But this midterm especially sucks 'cause this was financial accounting. Like, the theory behind why accountants do what they do (being basically the business police, and what not). But, honestly, this stuff doesn't appeal to me in the slightest... as I've told a few people before, the more I think about what I'd be doing in an accounting firm, the more I'm starting to think that it's just not for me... don't seem to have the right personality-fit... plus, most of the reasons why I wanted to go into accounting don't seem to apply anymore...


I went to the faculty of education advisor this morning. Looking at my options in teaching. More specifically, elementary school teaching. Explanations have already been given to some, but should be obvious why teaching kids is for me... but, lo and behold, this commerce route I've taken doesn't seem to allow me to transfer, at least not without major difficulties... for example, I need 18 senior credits, listing a crapload of faculties that would count... none of which is Commerce, most of which are arts... and, besides that, I have to take like canadian studies courses... and a labratory science... and quite possibly my stupid business calc course is nonapplicable, requiring me to take another math course (i.e., 230). Seriously, I have no idea why all these prereq's are required for freaking elementary school teaching... makes no sense...

I'd be more outraged if I weren't so dejected... I was more outraged yesterday while finding this out online, actually... perhaps this is a reason why I did so poorly on my exam, being all dejected and whatnot...

Oh well. At the very worst, I'll have to take another year doing 1st year courses before I start the 12-month education thingy... not too too bad, imo...

Anyways, I still haven't given up on business completely. I'll still try for a co-op summer workterm, and if I realize that this business deal just isn't for me, then I'll go from there...

Yeah... I should also mention, money isn't a big deal for me... seriously, I can live off $30k/yr and still be happy... plus, I'm assuming my wife would earn more than me, say $50k/yr... and $80/yr is more than enough for a family...

Also, just to add, although I'd love to be an elementary school teacher, I do believe that my perfect occupation would be a stay-at-home dad... the more I think about it, the more I can see myself being domesticated... the child-stress I can handle, the cleaning/etc chores I can deal with... plus, when kids at school, perhaps I could volunteer, or be a substitute teacher, or something... lol, man, I'd love to be a substitute teacher... but, yeah, I'm rambling about nothing now...


On another note, things are looking up for moving to Vancouver. I just have to plan this all out, check out the viability of a 3rd person in a 1-bedroom apartment, make sure everything's copacetic... and, you know, tell my mom... but, don't wanna tell my mom 'til everything's fleshed out... technically, I haven't even formally asked yet... so I hesitate to blog... but, eh... I'm assuming by this time the only people reading are those who I've already discussed with... and, if not, then kudos to you...

Until next time, I guess...


Blogger Gautam said...

this is probably the most (if only) meaningful post I've read on this blog, ever.

10:31 p.m.  

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