Wednesday, February 08, 2006

All Cut

So, after much deliberation, I finally got a haircut. I was considering waiting 'til next week, once again, but then a bird crapped on my head right before I got on the 480 to Richmond, so after I wiped off the excess I realized it was a sign, a sign to chop the mop. So yeah, bird crapped on my head, had to wait 'til richmond centre, washed it out, then got my haircut. Then went to staples and bought a binder. Then went to Kwantlen, but nobody was there. Except for Cindy, but she wasn't at the chill spot, so that doesn't count. Then I went home, had dinner, and listened to the canucks lose on the radio. Stupid Blues are 3-0, and friggin Sanford's possibly injured, which sucks 'cause he's in my hockey pool.

Not bad for a day that started cool then awful then lackadaisical then back to awful then alright then back to lackadaisical. Heheh, hurray for

Surprisingly, I have nothing more to add, boring or not. I guess I'm just not in the blogging mood.

Until next time, I guess...


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