I'm The Biggest Slacker I Know
I've had TONS of time to do my homework.
It's due tomorrow.
It's almost 3am.
Perhaps I should start...
[edit, nearly 3:30am - This just in: I hate microsoft. Especially microsoft office. Especially Excel. Especially the asinine ways in which addins are not able to function properly in the version of excel that I run on my computer. Especially when said addin is entirely necessary for the completion of my homework. How sucky. All I can do now is plug everything in manually, write down the answers, and hope for the best. Stupid everything...]
[edit, 4:30am - Finished the hw, except I ended up putting in the numbers manually, which was much more than just a pain in the ass...but, it's over now. Yippie and such adulations. Hmm, I don't think adulation is the correct usage of diction. Oh well. That's what I get for having to stay up late enough to catch Andrew before he goes off for work. That's pretty freakin' late.]
It's like homework is your wife, and CivIV is your mistress.
I'd've put it as homework was my Job and CivIV was my wife&kids, but you know, whatever you see yourself doing in the future I guess...
Also, I'm incredibly surprised that I haven't fallen over yet, having less than 3 hrs of sleep. But surprisingly, I've actually been wide awake for most of the day. Quite unusual...
[oh, plus no hapkido for me tonight again, gonna hafta miss it for my group project outing to North Van Wal-Mart...long story...]
I'mm stuck at work late, so same here.
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