Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Well This Seems Familiar...

It's about 1:30am, having to do a paper that is due tomorrow, worth 25%, incredibly tired, and had all weekend to do it...Ahhh, deja vu all over again...[just imagine "deja vu" with accents, too lazy to fiddle w/ the alt+####]

What's to blame this time for this lack of work-doing? Videogames...freakin' videogames!!! Again with the regression into simpler days, especially with my CivIII...I swear, I'm freaking addicted to that game, and that brief glancing of it at Moe's party started up the craving once again...I must've spent well over 10 hrs over the weekend playing it! And that's not including the "just one more turn" craziness that kept me playing from 2-7am...stupid everything...

Oh yes, and as a sidenote, Death of a Salesman is an amazing play...yous guys gotsta watch the one with Dustin Hoffman and John Malkovich...didn't see the ending, but got to watch until the climax...or one of the climaxes, at least...

But here I am, rambling once again...I'm off to actually do my hw...my stupid paper...stupid stupid stupid me, cause it's actually interesting, and it's only 1000 words max, and once again I left it to the last minute...I'm worried that I'll be so last minute that I'm gonna skip my other classes just to do it, 'cause I'd wanna sleep, or do other equally idiotic behaviours...


Until next time, I guess...[which would probably be my constant updates, as usual...]

--> As told through the mind of an introverted extrovert.

[Edit, 2:40am - About one hour later, and I've already gone through the expected ups and downs...ahh, the downs, with all its headsmashingly goodness...and the ups, with the realizations of how to complete my paper, thus awakening me from my headsmashing stupor...but enough of this, time to get down to business!]

[Edit, 6:25am - Well, I'm just about done my essay, and it was tougher than I expected, mainly because I wasn't as interested in the topic...actually, I'm very interested in the topic, but because I chose to go the easier rout, I'm writing a paper that goes against what I personally believe...actually not really...well, kinda confusing...

Personally I believe that homosexuality is morally wrong, but I don't believe that it's because it's unnatural...in my paper, I'm arguing that unnaturalness does not equal immorality. Could elaborate, but why...

Oh, and also, I finally downloaded Diodes - Tired of Waking Up Tired!!! Heard it like 5 yrs ago on CBC Radio 2/3/etc, old canadian progressive rock...I just loved it! Heheh...but no more, off to finish my paper! And perhaps go to school??]

[Edit, 7:17am - Done my paper...kinda tired, kinda blurred vision, kinda depressed because my paper is kinda cruddy...so just stick right by your buddy / and don't eat / t-t-t-t-too much fried fooooood, yeah!!! Aiieeeeooooooo, KILLER TOFU!!!! Eeeiiieee, Ooooeeeeeoooo, KILLER TOFFUUUUUUUU-UU-UUU!!! Heh, seems like I'm also kinda out of it...maybe I will just go to sleep, screw class...]


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