Plans of (In)Action
Got a ride back to apartment @ 6:30ish, ended up sleeping once I got to my place. Woke up around noon-ish, guitar, videogames, etc, HOLY CRAP IT'S ALMOST 9PM!!!
I've got an exam in, oh, less than 12 hours. I haven't studied for it yet.
I've got an exam tomorrow night. I also haven't studied for it yet.
I've got exams tuesday and wednesday night. As you might have guessed, I have yet to study for these exams also.
As stated above, I played 6 hrs of Heroes V instead of doing my patented supercram technique. My mark as aleady dropped 4 letter grades, I can just feel it...
Next few days are gonna be exiting... for all the wrong reasons...
I think I'm sabotaging myself. I don't feel I deserve straight A's, even though it was more than achievable this semester. I may have some messed up reasons as to why I don't try harder, but no excuse.
Today I didn't have internet for the longest time. I felt trapped! So, I ended up playing Heroes. And couldn't get off... stupid final few maps of the sylvain campaign...
Anyways, enough of this. Here's the plan:
Tonight: SUPERCRAM until, oh, 11 or 12.
Tomorrow: Wake up at 6, get to school, CRAM LIKE THERE'S NO TOMORROW, then take exam at 8:30. Then, SUPERCRAM LIKE MAD for Law, eat sometime inbetween, take exam at 7pm. Go home, eat, sleep.
Tuesday: Wake up early-ish (depending on tiredness in the morning), get to school by at least 10, SUPERCRAM LIKE MAD, take exam at 7pm.
Wednesday: See tuesday.
And try not to fail.
You know what pisses everyone off? This is what I did last time, and I still ended up w/ like, 90%, 80%, 75-ish%, etc... so, no motivation to improve on technique. Not cool...
Three days of hell, one week of relaxation. Yeah.
Stop blog now.
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