Monday, September 18, 2006

Stupid waste of a day...

I need a laptop. Like, NOW. Stupid commerce comps can't open files from hotmail...

class from 10-11:30, then nothing for the rest of the day... surfed the net for a couple hours, then waited/slept for 45mins 'til my group came. Then, as they basically did most of the work yesterday, the meeting was only like 10mins long, if that, and we didn't get any work done. Waste. Plus, waited 'til six

At least I went and bought a blueberry slushie from that bubble tea place in the SUB. Lemme tells you, DELICIOUS... and, nutritious? heheh...

Then, bus home, dinner, shower, and online... and now I'm friggin tired... but, I still have to do the group project meeting thing (to wrap things up) tonight, and I found that I have to pull together my other assignment thing also due tomorrow. Which'll probably take at least a few hours. STUPID SCHOOLWORK...

Now, if I had a laptop, I could've done all that junk while in school, instead of wasting my entire day doing diddly squat. That kinda pisses me off. Stupid everything...

Although, on a good note, my student loan signing-sheet thing came today, which means I'm one step closer to THE EDGE AND I'M ABOUT TO BREAK!!! Heheh, that came outta nowhere... what I really meant to say was that I'm that much closer to getting my student loan money, and therefore, my laptop. Can't friggin wait you guys... I needs it now!

Still kinda sore from the accident, and still kinda sore from what happened afterwards. If that makes sense to those who know and/or read this blog... wait, take out that "or" there, heh...

Aww man, it's 9:15pm, and I'm already rambly... man, I was all finally in schoolmode, and (as expected), stupid lack of sleep is throwing me back into the nether... time to do some hockey stuff...

Until next time, I guess...

[edit, late: I hate school. ..., that's not it. I hate HOMEWORK. Always have, always will... although, I'm sure that if I lived on campus away from the distractions, that would alleviate most of the problems of not being able to do homework... in theory... man, I want out of this house so bad, but laziness always drags me back down...]

[edit, even later: still not done yet. Stupid everything. I hate distractions. But, this distraction is kinda awesome:

Better than Reuben!! Haha... just kidding man, lol... but, yeah this guys' THREE YEARS OLD!!! Daaang...]

[edit, super late: Stupid lack of communication... my partner finished up the thing, making the past 2 hours a waste of time. Awesome. I hate inefficiencies, almost as much as I hate "distractions"...]


Blogger Jamieson said...

But you know if you had a laptop you'd just be looking up YouTube videos all day. LOL. :P

7:55 p.m.  

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