40 Mins to Disas...AWESOMENESS?!?
Finished studying for my Stats midterm. Which is less than 40 mins away. I love how I don't have to do my usual 30min pre-test "memorize the formula" cramming session, since the test is open book open notes. Hehe.
Plus, if the past midterms are any indication, I can practically GUARANTEE at least an 80%. However, this is dependant on 2 variables:
1) Me not freaking out when something looks unfamiliar; I'd spend an exhorbant amout of time on the question, then run out of time in the end.
2) Not making stupid mistakes; Stupid, little, FRIGGIN mistakes that drop me down a letter grade.
But yeah, sweetness, and such! And I still have 5 minutes until my "must wait outside the room to grab the best seat for the midterm" phase begins... I'll peruse other peoples blogs, perhaps...
Heheh, oh man, this is an AWESOME feeling, being prepared for a test... it could be the double espresso and 7 packs of sugar talking, but DANG I'm feelin' good...
Until next time, I guess...
My goodness, that one one of the easiest tests I've ever taken. FRICKIN' EH!!! This is the absolute essence of Awesomeness I'm feelin' right now. As Sam would say, I raped that test! RRRAAAAAAPPED!!!
[Hmmm, nobody who reads my blog knew Sam, since nobody went to McNair... in that case, Raped = Aced, just to clarify things. Heheh...]
Now, that being said, if I don't get over 90%, I will be horribly disappointed. But remember, I've already taken Stats before, and I did well in Stats before too, so 90% isn't reaching or anything...
But whatever, I frickin' ACED that test! AWESOMENESS!!!
Until next time, I guess...
Hahah, I don't know about other people but I think I would get it that when someone says they raped something (meaning an inanimate object) it means they did a good job on something LOL. Although ... I noticed when ppl say "I totally got raped by this and this (whatever)" ... it's never a good thing hahaha.
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