Co-op Application
So yeah, I finally decided to start doing my co-op application. I started at about 8pm, perhaps a little earlier than that. I've basically spent the last two hours compiling all my past post-secondary marks onto one big excel file, then converted that file to pdf ('cause that's only what they accept online). Needless to say, I'm incredibly annoyed at the moment.
And now comes the actual hard part: rewriting my frickin' resume and making a freakin' cover letter. Stupid, stupid, procrastinatory Justin...
Did I mention that I also have a Stats assignment due tomorrow, which I also haven't started yet?? And did I also mention that I am still kinda tired from my earlier outdoor excursions?
I am so screwed it's not funny...
Then again, it could be worse... at least I'm not in EECE...
Until next time, I guess...
[Edit - AARRRGH!!! Why must it be 2am?! Why am I not finished my co-op application?! Why do I continue to procrastinate in every manner possible?! Why must the special guest speaker for my relg. class be in tomorrow's class, where I'm for sure either gonna be late, absent, or incredibly groggy?! And why oh why didn't I freaking do my stupid stats assignment in the past 2 weeks it was assigned?!?!?!]
[Edit, 3am - Stupid cover letter, being too wordy, making me have to redo it... I blame this on rediculous university english, which is utterly impractical in a business context. Also, notice how I've gotten past my anger stage and onto my "I'm rediculously tired and want to get it over with even though I know I'm gonna have to stay up for at least 3 hours longer" stage.]
[Edit, 3:12am - GAAAHHHHHH!!! Stupid not realizing that I was writing in 12pt font, when cover letters require 10pt! Oh well, I guess efficient writing is a good thing anyways, heheh... hmmm, perhaps I'm back in my angry mode...]
[Edit, 4:30am - Finally finished my friggin' co-op application. That took waaaaay too long. I still have to do my stupid stats assignment. I kinda like my cover letter, actually. Perhaps I'll post it tomorrow. If I remember.]
[Edit, 5:20am - Well, I haven't started my stats assignment yet. Instead I decided to print out notes for my classes tomorrow, but I caught myself before I started to print out the buttload of pages of previous stats midterms. Oh, I also went to find my old stats notes from BCIT, which I believe was semi-productive. I'm hoping my stats assignment'll only take a few hours, then I'll be able to get about 2hrs of sleep. Wait, scratch that, 1 hr of sleep. But I doubt even that. Actually, now I'm hoping to just be finished before 9. That leaves me with about 3 and a half hours. HOLY CRAP THAT'S NOT ENOUGH TIME. Especially in my sleep deprived state. But, whatcha gonna do 'cept try your hardest. Etc. Also, time for some cola, or perhaps a nice warm tea. But tea takes to long. So cola it is. But cola is cold. ARGH I'M RAMBLING. I'm getting off the computer.]
I need to start applying for coop jobs...
that or I can hope they forget about me :P
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