Go Go...something something...
I was feelin' a little blue, being that I'm tired as hell and it's nearly 1am, and that my mom didn't get off the comp 'til about half an hour ago, and that I had homework do to that needed the computer...well, the point is, nostalgia always seems to pick me right up, if only temporarily...
Yes, it seems that I've been on a retrojunk spree, much more so than the others...perhaps
This time, I realized how awesome the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers really were. They were just cool. Super awesome cool. Kinda makes me wanna watch the old ones again, haha...but man, back in grade 3/4, Billy was my hero...geeky/nerdy guy that turned into a super asskicker...not to mention he was the blue ranger (my fav. colour at the time), and that the freakin' lance that broke off into two was the coolest weapon of the bunch...
Anyways, I remember the chat Roger and I (plus others) had at Kwantlen about MMPR, and man he just kept going and going, pissing off just about everyone else on the table...but not me, 'cause oh man did that ever bring back good memories of simpler times...I mean, this was before the time when videogames encapsulated my entire non-school life.
But I procrastinate. I should do my hw. I should've done it earlier today, seeing that I did get home rather early (around 4). But no. Home is the last place I seem to do work. Unless it's 1am. And things are due.
Man, I'm really sucking as of right now. Life-wise, that is. Doesn't help that I found myself with zero, count that ZERO potentials at the moment. Not even my delusional self is working right. Boo, everything. Well, not everything...mostly me.
Nuts, I'm feeling down again. Off to some more retrojunk...
Until next time, I guess...
--> As told through the mind of a nostalgicly introverted extrovert.
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