Monday, April 25, 2005

Fun Fun Fun...

Yesterday was AWESOME! It was the epitomy of what I want my summer to be like...woke up at 11, played video games for an hour or so, played soccer, ate turkey dinner, then watched 2 movies w/ my uncle!

Insert "went to work", and I'll be set!

And man, soccer was awesome...actually being outside and doing stuff in the summer RULES! Heheh, rules...seems so old. Anyways, playing for two hours straight might have been a little much, since I haven't done anything for months (short of 20mins of rollerblading), so I did become quite sore, skipping breakfast before playing and eating a humongeous dinner afterwards didn't quite help either. But I think the worst part was that I didn't go to sleep early enough, esp. with the watching 4 hrs of not-so-great movies, headache in them both, etc...and let me just say that I don't see why Sideways got so much acclaim, I mean it had it's moments but it wasn't terribly me, it's the older-adult version of a teen sex comedy...but I digress...the point I was trying to make is that either my allergies have been kicked up a notch or I caught a cold, either way I'm feeling fairly ill...

Now today, I've just been wasting my time away, fiddling with my horrible resume, and realizing that today might not be the best time to hand in my resume, with my plugged up nasal passeges and what not...just seems like today isn't turning out as great as yestereday...

And just now I had a big fight with my

He wanted to return videos to the library, ones that I wanted to watch myself, and since I'm heading out that way later today anyways I didn't see a problem with me watching them now then returning them later, but as usual my dad "misinterprets" this thinking it's some sort of "power struggle", so all I do is take the videos I might wanna watch and he makes a big scene, yelling in my face, waking up my mom, etc etc...once again I try to reason with him, asking why he's making such a big deal about returning videos a few hours later, why he's yelling in my face, etc...but that didn't seem to work, as usual. So my mom comes downstairs and explains the side of reason to my dad, as usual, and he (after a while, after I left the room w/ the videos) gives up. It seems that the more this happens, the less impassioned I become...

You know, today does really seem to suck ass. And after such an awesome day, no doubt. Strange how this always seems to happen...hopefully this isn't a depression after my mania, 'cause that'd just break my whole damned spirit...

So I shall leave this avenue of expression to watch my harry potter, since I seem to be worn out...besides, my resume doesn't even seem to wanna print out properly, thoroughly ticking me off at the moment...stupid everything...

[Edit, 8:20pm - Well then, it's been a pretty nondescript day since then, kinda doing nothing all afternoon...with the harry potter, and nba/mythbusters/rookie of the year, watching, I was pretty much glued to the couch all afternoon...and lo and behold, I turned out to be right and my dad was trying to be all chummy, which was thoroughly annoying..."oh, you were right, the videos were due tomorrow...hey, I got you a book on blah blah blah..." Anyone's who's talked to my dad for more than a minute can relate...but that's all for now, time to game it up...]


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