I just realized how grotesquely out of shape I've become over the past year...
There was once a time when I worked out 3+ times a week, built up muscle, and leaned up a bit...surprising how a summer of complacency and a schoolyear of physical underachievement could have undone such effort...
Went to a church party tonight, and it was there that I realized how out of place I seemed...everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was freakin' good looking! And this isn't just some flippant I-want-a-girlfriend kinda thing either...and there I was, standing out like a sore thumb (at least in my mind), with my oversized gullet and overall thickness, my 70's style I-don't-wanna-get-a haircut, and my cut up lip from shaving...I really felt like everyone was at least two leagues above me...
Strange thing though, I didn't really feel too badly about it...could've been because I was having such a good time, but I'll put my money on because I knew I could actually do something about it...therefore, as of this moment, no more snacking for no reason, no more second helpings, no more extra desserts, and (most importantly) EXERCISING!!!
Therefore, tomorrow I shall do some physical activity! At first I thought I'd spend the morning swimming, but then I had a chat w/ Jamieson and thusly I was invited to soccer...therefore, no point in tiring myself out before playing and making an even-greater fool of myself!
So there ya have it...the beginnings of motivation! Then again, I still haven't wrote up my resume, nor started to clean out the garage, etc...but baby steps! Start with something reasonably simple, like getting into shape! Haha...
Maybe I'll try my glass of milk for breakfast / hot dog weiner for lunch / small dinner diet that I did all those summers ago, focus my attention on other things and what not, heheh...naw, don't wanna get anorexic, it's so unbecoming of a male...
Well then, enough of this ramblings, it's 2:30 in the morning, saturday night, don't wanna waste my tomorrow sleeping 'til the afternoon...
...May 23rd, Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones, fairly intriguing prospect, yet utterly destructive to any sort of positive motivation...'tis all.
Until next time, I guess...
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