Sunday, April 17, 2005

Sleep now?

Well, I was about to go to sleep, but I suddenly felt the urge to blog about my day...hopefully this'll be short, yadda yadda and the like...

Today was quite a nice day, if I say so myself. Started off not too great, though, since my phone alarm didn't go off again...although I only missed about a verse up front in church today, not too bad...heh...Anyways, afterwards we had our youth thingy, goood curry dish served there...then after that I drove my sister to UBC 'cause she had to do a test today...but here is really where my interesting day really started for me!

Well, since I was already on my way to UBC, I gave Alan a ride to his dorm too...then, I had a couple hours to kill, so Alan invited me to his dorm complex activity room thingy and we played ourselves some table tennis! Man, it's been forever since I've played that...ah, memories of elemtary school, going over to Donald's house, good memories...still fairly mediocre though, with ping pong balls flying all over the place and what not! But man, was that ever FUN! Too bad there wasn't a foosball table, eh? Heheh...oh, but there was a pool table, but someone was on it when we first came in, and we were already in the middle of playing table tennis when they left...

Anyways, after half an hour later (the max. time for the free parking), I still had quite a lot of time to kill, so I decided to just drive around, try to scout my way around UBC for a bit...well, in a matter of minutes, I found myself going down this cool road somewheres, and I ended up at the beach! Talk about lucky, wasted gas down to a minimum! Haha! Oh, I also passed by some people playing ultimate...oh man, do I ever miss playing that! Not to digress...

So I decided to plant myself down on the beach, decided I might as well take a walk...well, as I was too lazy to find a proper path from the parking lot, I decided to walk across the nice green grass...which have unfortunately been mucked up due to the rain! Man, it was so muddy, and me with my nice clothes and shoes! Haha!!

When I actually came to the path, I just started wandering up and down the path, enjoying the scenery and what not...decided to peer out into the water, and what did I see? A kayak! A freaking SEA KAYAK! Oh man, that brought back old memories of Strathcona! Grade 10 was such an awesome year for me, what with the beautiful sunny Strathcona, to the actual integration into a group (hurrah Big 2!), to my going to Europe for 2 weeks, then coming back to the week of strike thus letting me have my missed spring break...but now that's definately digressing...

Anyways, the walk was quite nice, spent over an hour just wandering around, admiring everything, realizing that I've wasted my summers, if not my life, by not going outdoors enough...but man, everything was so nice! Greens and trees on one side, oceanic waters and mountains on another, then the wonderful view of the was just amazing! It so made me wanna have my own car, just to be able to drive to places like these more often and not feel cramped...which then made me realize that once I have my bus pass (i.e. hopefully from UBC etc) I could probably do the same if so motivated...which also then made me realize that a good bike could also do the job...which then made me realize that I should learn how to rollerblade, since I actually have those in my posession at the moment...ah, such realizations and what not...

Anyways, after that awesomeness, I picked up my sis (after getting lost in UBC for about 2o mins, haha...), then proceeded to drive home...however, because I was still kinda on my outdoors-high, I didn't really wanna go home too quickly, so I took the longer route, down Granville and 2 road bridge, then down trafficy westminster hwy, just to prolong my getting home...needless to say, my sister (remember, coming out from an exam), was reasonably pissed...but oh well, it was all good in the end...

Well, except that when I got home I sat my ass down on the couch for nearly 5 hours, with sports and movies and what not...but finally watched Super Size Me, which was fairly cool if I say so myself...somewhat biased, but oh well, interesting nonetheless...especially the bit tacked on in the end saying how 6 weeks after the movie was shown at Sundance, McDonalds removed their Super Size option, heheh...

Anyways, I should go to sleep now, it being 2am again and with my having to wake up early so Rob and Cindy'll pick me up at 9am...but one more thing I've gots ta say...

I caught a bit of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and I must say I really REALLY like that movie...waaay too much similarities to myself.

And another movie I caught a bit of tonight, Ginger Snaps II, is another movie I really REALLY like, even if I have yet to see the first 15-30 mins...but it made me think, what do I really like about this movie? Is it the kickass plotline? Is it the freakishly amazing twisted ending? Is it the great dialogue and amazing acting for the leading ladies? Or perhaps it was the fact that I found the leading ladies to be so droolworthy that I couldn't help but love the movie?! Well, it's definately all of the above, but it's also definately the latter as well...and considering yesterday's dilemma, it really made me wonder if I really am that touched in the head...I mean, I found Ghost (i.e. Tatiana Maslany) to be UBER cute, and I mean super droolworthy...and lets just say that this actress, although 19, just played a 12 year old on tv...this kinda got me worried. But then I realized that I didn't really start beginning to oggle her until after she was driving the station wagon...I realized in my head, "oh hey, she's old enough to drive...woooooow, she's so friggin' hot!"

Or maybe I really am just messed in the head...oh well.

Until next time, I guess...


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