Monday, June 11, 2007

Heheh, cool...

Today was campus idol. I got laughs from the crowd (as I explained I was a co-op, so even if I get horribly embarrassed... no big deal... heheh...). That was unexpectedly cool.

I played crossroads again. Apparently I have amazing tone, according to one of the judges... the one who actually sings... heheh, cool...

People kept telling me how great I was. Like, random employees. Sweetness.

And it's amazing how different my attitude is with all this confidence. I mean, today on the bus, I think a girl was checking me out... a cute girl, to boot, heheh... one of those, she's looking at me, I glance towards her, she darts her eyes away... lol...

I've said this before, but if I was all depressed-like, I'd probably be all, man she's looking at me funny, I must look weird... but no, not today! WOO CONFIDENCE!!

Carrying a guitar on the bus is awesome... at least, for today... heheh...

But yeah, point is, today was frickin' awesome. I mean, boring training session, and work was work, sure... but free breakfast, and tons of compliments (I have great tone!), soooo awesome.

And now it's time for a nap.


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