Oh Look, Me Again...
Heheh, swimming again tomorrow, WOOP! But seriously though, swimming is AWESOME. I just wish I had more endurance... and, well, better technique wouldn't hurt either, heh...
I left my bag full of my swim gear on the bus today. WHOOPS. I was kinda worried about that, esp. with the swimming tomorrow, but when I got back to my place I found another pair of swimtrunks and my roommates found his old goggles. So that takes care of that. Although, I WILL get your goggles back Chui...
Speaking of Storm the Wall, I find it pretty cool that I got those numbers on my arms. And NO, it's not just an excuse to show of my arms... but still, so cool... see for yourself:

Edit: Hahahahaha..... I look like such a doofus... not embarrassed enough to take 'em down, mind you... but yeah, 345 looks so much nicer than 297... girls writing vs boys writing, lol...
Quasi-Hypothetical Situation:
There is this woman, who kinda reminds me of Betty Suarez, a.k.a. Ugly Betty. I find that rather attractive. But... is the fact that she reminds me of Ugly Betty more of an insult than a compliment, even given my semi-infatuation with that character??
(I'm pretty sure half of you know exactly who I'm talking about. I'm also pretty sure that the other half of you will take it completely the wrong way and think it's someone completely different than the person I have in mind.)
But yeah, just wondering...
Ate at the Pendulum today with 4/5 of the CoRec team. Also, went to sushi tonight w/ Mohsin. I do believe I'm WAAAAY overbudget. But, I say it's worth it. I'll find a way to pay my rent... stupid work not giving me shifts... well, for this week, okay not many shifts... but, next week only 4 hrs, kinda sucks megabucks...
But yeah, back on point, this week has been ridiculously awesome. I haven't hung out w/ friends very often this semester, and I've really been missing that. This week has sort-of been like a little homecoming or whatever. Heheh. Not explaining it right, but no matter.
I've gotta stop blogging.
HOLY crap I still have your student id and you can't swim without it, so ... yeah email me or something and I'll drop it off in the morning.
Justin, you're buff.
Mai, thanks for giving me the card back today! Good thing I didn't leave it in my bag, heh...
Jamieson, I'll assume that's sarcasm... BASTARD...
your name can now be "pipes"
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